
Monthly Archives: May 2020

15 May, 2020

Student Procrastination: Listening, Validating and Doing It “Bird by Bird”

2021-01-08T13:58:24-06:00Friday, May 15, 2020|Learning Strategies, Learning Environment, Punctuality|

Anne Lamott is an American novelist and non-fiction writer who wrote a book called Bird by Bird which gives people instructions on life and writing. You might wonder how she came up with this title. She explains it in a TED talk she gave. She talks about how when she was a child, her father was trying [...]

14 May, 2020

The Benefits of Online Learning

2021-02-06T00:11:38-06:00Thursday, May 14, 2020|Learning Environment|

In the blink of an eye, parents and students everywhere have been pushed into schooling online. For most, this doesn't exactly feel great. After all, making such an enormous life change is something that the vast majority of parents would consider very carefully under any other circumstances. This sudden change to online learning may feel [...]

2 May, 2020

Education 2020: Our Moonshot Moment

2020-06-04T16:14:54-05:00Saturday, May 2, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School, Teachers|

In a recent Radiolab podcast, they pondered the question of what American objects would you preserve in the face of a cataclysmic event. While there was a great deal of disagreement on the topic, there was one accomplishment most people agreed should be preserved. Our trip to the moon. You can see why this would [...]

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