
Customized Curriculum

1 Jun, 2019

Houston Chronicle Features The Tenney School

2019-06-01T09:02:28-05:00Saturday, June 1, 2019|Education Info, Customized Curriculum, Learning Environment, Tenney Subscribers|

It's not every day you get to see your name in print.  We are excited to share that the Houston Chronicle recently chose to feature our school. The reporter, Lindsay Peyton, did a really great job capturing the culture and focus of our school. Click here to read the article.

28 Sep, 2018

Tailored Learning: Improving Your Child’s Academic Success

2018-09-28T10:30:12-05:00Friday, September 28, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

You want your child to excel in all areas of school. Not only can their grades have a big impact on their ability go to college, acquire scholarships, and get the future job they've always wanted, you want them to have the kind of success that will help propel them to take on future challenges. [...]

19 Aug, 2018

What is Custom-Made Education?

2018-08-19T21:15:12-05:00Sunday, August 19, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Strategies, Tenney Subscribers|

We are living in an era of customization. Because of our technology and variety of options, we can customize everything from the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the television shows and books that pop up on our recommended list, and the podcasts we listen to. The world is quickly becoming divergent in new [...]

12 Jul, 2018

What Gifted and Talented Children Need from Their School

2018-07-12T17:29:05-05:00Thursday, July 12, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Learning Environment, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

Gifted and talented (GT) children are a definable group of K-12 students recognized for their advanced learning capabilities. Often, their bright minds are recognized by parents and subsequently tested for confirmation. While having a gifted child is a good thing, what does it mean when choosing their school? Choosing the right school for GT children takes more [...]

18 Jun, 2018

Customized Instruction: A Recipe for Success

2018-06-18T09:56:26-05:00Monday, June 18, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Customized Instruction The right education will prove to be a valuable asset to every child who receives one. However, many children pass through school to graduation without actually learning what they are supposed to learn. The scandal that occurred in the Atlanta school district where several educators manipulated student scores so that the students would be eligible [...]

4 Jun, 2018

3 Ways Customized Instruction Improves Learning for Children

2018-06-04T15:30:28-05:00Monday, June 4, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Most parents would agree that customized instruction for students is more effective than the broad curriculum used in the classroom by large schools, yet they might still wonder: how much of a difference will it really make? Caring parents understand how choosing the education path for their children is a big responsibility, as it's one [...]

7 May, 2018

Scaffolding: Examining the Metaphor for Individualized Instruction

2018-05-07T14:03:56-05:00Monday, May 7, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Parents, Teachers|

Because of the structure of today's society and the transformations to our economic, social, and labor systems that have already started to change in the face of rapidly evolving technology, educating today's learners is a challenge. Standardized education is losing its decades-long hold on the status quo. For years, we've pushed toward more and more [...]

7 Mar, 2018

How Customized Instruction Maximizes Students’ Learning Capacity

2018-03-05T15:30:46-06:00Wednesday, March 7, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Someone once said, "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." This quotation refers to an allegory by Amos E. Tolbear of Tufts University, in which all sorts of animals were required to attend school, and each was required to conform to a set [...]

17 Jan, 2018

7 Things Every Parent Should Know About Private Schools

2018-01-17T13:31:40-06:00Wednesday, January 17, 2018|Learning Environment, Customized Curriculum, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

Choosing a school for your child is perhaps the most difficult decision you'll make as a parent. One of the first things you'll have to consider is whether he or she will attend a private or public school. As there are plenty of misconceptions surrounding the former, here are seven things that you should know [...]

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