

2 Jul, 2018

Tips for International Students Studying in America

2018-07-02T13:17:16-05:00Monday, July 2, 2018|International students, Parents, Tenney Subscribers, Transition Between Schools|

While many would be scared to go to school in a foreign country, others would jump at the chance. It could seem really exciting to others. Not only will children and young adults get to see more of the world, they can also get a better education than they could get at home. Going to [...]

18 Jun, 2018

Customized Instruction: A Recipe for Success

2018-06-18T09:56:26-05:00Monday, June 18, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Customized Instruction The right education will prove to be a valuable asset to every child who receives one. However, many children pass through school to graduation without actually learning what they are supposed to learn. The scandal that occurred in the Atlanta school district where several educators manipulated student scores so that the students would be eligible [...]

4 Jun, 2018

3 Ways Customized Instruction Improves Learning for Children

2018-06-04T15:30:28-05:00Monday, June 4, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Most parents would agree that customized instruction for students is more effective than the broad curriculum used in the classroom by large schools, yet they might still wonder: how much of a difference will it really make? Caring parents understand how choosing the education path for their children is a big responsibility, as it's one [...]

11 May, 2018

2018 Spring Music Performance

2018-05-14T09:25:01-05:00Friday, May 11, 2018|Events, Parents|

In case you missed it, you can check out our 2018 Spring Music Performance on our YouTube Channel. We're really proud of how much our music students have learned. Below are links to the performances. https://youtu.be/tKW_jSVmokI?list=PLWrEKET0tyHIFJdNFSb1kHl5_ZHAVoC_k https://youtu.be/U4gBGPkLhAs?list=PLWrEKET0tyHIFJdNFSb1kHl5_ZHAVoC_k https://youtu.be/lsP6XbjZCgE?list=PLWrEKET0tyHIFJdNFSb1kHl5_ZHAVoC_k https://youtu.be/TAi5QkCdvl0 https://youtu.be/KXwYSagNrwQ?list=PLWrEKET0tyHIFJdNFSb1kHl5_ZHAVoC_k https://youtu.be/stsXAggwXM8?list=PLWrEKET0tyHIFJdNFSb1kHl5_ZHAVoC_k https://youtu.be/GHaJ3p0MgZI?list=PLWrEKET0tyHIFJdNFSb1kHl5_ZHAVoC_k https://youtu.be/VOV1c70ef60?list=PLWrEKET0tyHIFJdNFSb1kHl5_ZHAVoC_k

7 May, 2018

Scaffolding: Examining the Metaphor for Individualized Instruction

2018-05-07T14:03:56-05:00Monday, May 7, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Parents, Teachers|

Because of the structure of today's society and the transformations to our economic, social, and labor systems that have already started to change in the face of rapidly evolving technology, educating today's learners is a challenge. Standardized education is losing its decades-long hold on the status quo. For years, we've pushed toward more and more [...]

10 Apr, 2018

Helping 2e Students Reach Their Potential

2018-04-10T09:35:11-05:00Tuesday, April 10, 2018|Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

If you have a 2e student, you already know that the struggle is very real. Learning to balance the demands of a learning disability alongside the needs of an advanced learner is an ongoing, lifelong process. By getting your child the help they need in the classroom, however, you can improve their odds of success [...]

27 Mar, 2018

Helping Your Child’s Time-Blindness

2018-03-27T11:45:12-05:00Tuesday, March 27, 2018|Learning Strategies, Parents, Punctuality, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

No matter how hard you try to teach them, some children are simply unable to manage time. It's not that they don't want to be on time or that they enjoy not being prepared for their classes and other responsibilities. Unfortunately, their physiology is such that time management will likely always be an issue. Learning [...]

22 Mar, 2018

The Difference Between a Student Victim and a Student Survivor

2018-03-22T13:18:05-05:00Thursday, March 22, 2018|Parents, Student Health, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

It's no secret that life comes with its fair share of trials. These difficulties look different for everyone, but they're particularly painful to see in young people. From unfair treatment to poor teachers to peer pressure, there are endless possible hurdles students can face. And, when faced with these hurdles, there are many different ways [...]

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