

27 Mar, 2020

Why Online Learning Works (Especially at the Tenney School)

2020-06-02T14:45:54-05:00Friday, March 27, 2020|Private School, Learning Strategies, Parents, Summer Strategies, Teachers|

The transition from classroom learning to online learning can be a difficult one. Sometimes both students and teachers are facing a lot of uncertainty. They are unsure how this new method of doing things will work. However, at The Tenney School, we have found that online learning is both possible and beneficial! We are able [...]

13 Mar, 2020

How Much Is Student Anxiety on the Rise?

2020-05-29T15:47:20-05:00Friday, March 13, 2020|Student Health, Parents, Private School, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

In some cultures where educational advancement ties to big examinations, student anxiety is very high, more often leading to suicide and other dramatic emotional outcomes. The situation is serious among students in the United States as well. "The Mental Health Tsunami" An article from the National Educational Association (NEA) quotes a kindergarten teacher as finding [...]

10 Feb, 2020

What Is Dysgraphia And What Parents Need To Know

2020-02-07T18:14:24-06:00Monday, February 10, 2020|Learning Strategies, Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Dyslexia and dysgraphia began as classic neurological syndromes identified in the 1890s by Joseph Jules Dejerine, a French neurologist. From the standpoint of classical neurology, these conditions were seen as a profound inability to communicate, dyslexia referring to speech and dysgraphia referring to writing. Looking at the diagnosis from a medical standpoint from the perspective [...]

8 Jan, 2020

How to Talk to Your Child About Being Gifted & Talented

2020-01-08T13:53:07-06:00Wednesday, January 8, 2020|Education Info, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

There is a difference between identifying a gifted & talent child and tracking them into a GT program. One of the most important steps is to talk to your child about what it means to be gifted & talented and how that will impact their life. As a parent, you are probably both proud and [...]

20 Dec, 2019

What Parents Need to Know About Dysgraphia

2019-12-20T08:01:54-06:00Friday, December 20, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Most parents have heard of dyslexia before, but how many know what dysgraphia is? The word "dysgraphia" is composed of two Greek words: "dys," meaning difficult, and "graphia," meaning writing. From that, we get difficult writing, messy writing, or incomprehensible writing. Dysgraphia is becoming a common diagnosis among students, so it helps to understand the [...]

9 Dec, 2019

Thriving in Small Schools

2019-12-10T09:15:23-06:00Monday, December 9, 2019|Private School, Education Info, Learning Environment, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

With so many educational choices available today, the controversy continues to grow on what type of school makes the most sense for any given individual student. The term 'small school' represents a relative term; however, most would define a small school as enrolling 400 students or fewer. Small schools may take the form of a [...]

2 Dec, 2019

Why Some Kids Give Up and Others Stick With It

2019-12-01T10:08:17-06:00Monday, December 2, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

There is nothing more defeating for parents and teachers than the moment when a child just gives up. If the child would just keep trying, parents and teachers alike are willing to go above and beyond to help that child succeed, often more than anyone believed possible. When a student gives up, on the other [...]

25 Nov, 2019

Why Parents Choose Personalized Learning Programs for Their Children

2019-11-27T15:57:54-06:00Monday, November 25, 2019|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

As a parent, you try to make the best possible decisions for your children to help them grow and succeed. Just as you encourage your child to stay physically fit and eat healthily so their bodies will grow strong, you also want to make choices that will help their minds grow strong. Choosing the right [...]

18 Nov, 2019

Why Consider a Private Education for Your Child?

2019-11-18T08:05:07-06:00Monday, November 18, 2019|Private School, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

Our children will create the world of tomorrow. And tomorrow is a time and place we don't know. How can we prepare them to take on this challenge with integrity, perseverance, and honor? We give them the education that best fits them. But how do we choose the best school? Here are some of the [...]

4 Nov, 2019

5 Things Your Child Gains from One-on-One Learning

2019-11-04T11:07:26-06:00Monday, November 4, 2019|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

One-on-one learning is among the most powerful techniques in an educator's toolbox for helping students learn and grow. Rather than asking students to follow along as one in a class of dozens, here at The Tenney School, students enjoy one-on-one learning time with their teacher. Personalized 1:1 learning provides a much deeper relationship with knowledge, [...]

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