Tenney Subscribers

18 Oct, 2024

Gifted and Talented: The Importance of Challenging Gifted Children

2024-10-14T08:29:52-05:00Friday, October 18, 2024|Tenney Subscribers, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Parents|

As parents, we all think our children are unique. We may ooh, and awe at the mermaid picture Suzie has drawn or praise Billy repeatedly for his perfect score on his spelling test. Indeed, all children are individuals, and in their own way special, but in reality, only about 10% of the United States [...]

14 Oct, 2024

Tips for International Students Studying in America

2024-10-10T11:43:06-05:00Monday, October 14, 2024|International students, Parents, Tenney Subscribers, Transition Between Schools|

While many would be scared to go to school in a foreign country, others would jump at the chance. It could seem really exciting to others. Not only will children and young adults get to see more of the world, they can also get a better education than they could get at home. Going to [...]

23 Sep, 2024

How Private Schools Like Tenney Minimize Bullying: A Safer Learning Environment

2024-09-19T10:01:23-05:00Monday, September 23, 2024|Student Health, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

Unfortunately, bullying is a very real problem in American schools today. No matter the age of your child, they have likely experienced bullying in their school. Whether they have experienced these incidents as a bystander, a victim, or the culprit of the bullying, your child will be impacted by the situation, and the impact [...]

23 Aug, 2024

6 Strategies to Help Students Who Struggle with Writing

2024-08-27T08:22:00-05:00Friday, August 23, 2024|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Teachers mention over and over again how this generation of students struggle with writing. While it's a frustrating challenge, in many cases, it's not their fault. These students have grown up in an age where long-form communication is rarely required. Most students value short communications--snaps, texts, and memes, for example--over longer-form discourse--and may not [...]

5 Jul, 2024

AP, IB, or Dual Credit: Which One is Better for High School Students?

2024-07-05T09:03:56-05:00Friday, July 5, 2024|Education Info, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

As the days of summer wane, it's time to start preparing for another school year. Even though students are basking in summer’s glory, it’s never too early to begin thinking about registering for courses and programs that will count towards college level classes or credit. High school students have three choices when it comes to [...]

1 Jul, 2024

Middle School: Help Your Child Find Opportunity Through Challenges

2024-12-17T14:15:17-06:00Monday, July 1, 2024|Education Info, Parents, Tenney Subscribers, Transition Between Schools|

Middle school is a time of incredible growth and development, growing independence and myriad opportunities to test out new identity and values. It is a challenging time, too, with many changes, social, physical and emotional occurring simultaneously, sometimes three times a day! When adults reflect on their own middle school days, more often than [...]

26 Apr, 2024

Technology in Schools Calls for a Change in Learning

2024-04-26T09:27:50-05:00Friday, April 26, 2024|Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Before immediate access to answers on the internet, learning involved a certain amount of wonder and curiosity. Somebody's interest had to be piqued enough to want to seek out a person who would know the answer. Or maybe the answer would be found in a physical book in the library. Finding out information took [...]

18 Mar, 2024

The Benefits of Private School Over Public School

2024-03-08T07:45:44-06:00Monday, March 18, 2024|Private School, Learning Environment, Tenney Subscribers|

Almost from their birth you begin to consider where your child will spend their school years. Knowing that their education is more than just filling their head with knowledge, you want to research all possible school routes. The school they attend will need to speak to them in their language, tap into how your [...]

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