

16 Sep, 2024

14 Pros and Cons of Graduating Early in Texas

2024-09-12T11:27:46-05:00Monday, September 16, 2024|Learning Strategies, Education Info, Private School|

Are you a student who is interested in graduating early in Texas? Graduating from high school early is possible with the help of your school counselor or your principal, who can help you plan. However, you may need to think about a few things about why you want to graduate early and what you [...]

23 Mar, 2022

Four Signs Your Teen Has Graduation Anxiety

2022-03-21T14:31:43-05:00Wednesday, March 23, 2022|Student Health, Education Info, Parents|

Graduation stands out as an exciting time for teens. They get the chance to finish high school and decide what they want to do with their lives. However, you may notice some teens struggle with graduation anxiety. This means the teen feels uncertain or worried about the future since he or she worries about unknown [...]

27 May, 2021

Congratulations Tenney Class of 2021!

2021-05-28T15:35:19-05:00Thursday, May 27, 2021|Education Info, Events, News, Private School|

We would like to congratulate The Tenney School class of 2021! You have persevered through the most trying senior year in memory, and done so with enthusiasm and espirit de corp.  Here are the schools which will be grateful to have you next year: Baylor University (3) Colorado State University (2) Houston Baptist University Incarnate [...]

9 Nov, 2020

How High School Students Can Recover Class Credits Before Graduation

2020-11-09T08:02:21-06:00Monday, November 9, 2020|Education Info, Customized Curriculum|

The high school's structured system designs a linear march through. Uninterrupted, most students will have all the classes they need to graduate. Of course, not all student experiences are predictable or uninterrupted. Many students miss or fail classes due to events and stress in their life. Even after normalcy returns, you still need to recover [...]

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