
learning success

15 Jan, 2019

Is it Okay to Let Your Child Fail a Test?

2019-01-15T07:44:07-06:00Tuesday, January 15, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents|

Today's educational world has parents more involved than they ever have been before. For one thing, the pressure to know what's going on with their children's grades has gotten much more intense. There's a sense that every class (even in elementary and middle school) is a make-or-break moment that could prevent the child from progressing [...]

21 Dec, 2018

The Problem with Competition-Based Learning

2018-12-21T07:36:51-06:00Friday, December 21, 2018|Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

In many instances, teachers want students to compete: for great grades; on projects; to be the "best" in the classroom. Many of the schools often considered to be the "best" drive students to higher levels of academic success through competition-based learning. Students are trying to do better, achieve better, top their classmates. As a result, [...]

30 Nov, 2018

6 Tips to Get Ready for Final Exams

2018-11-30T15:43:34-06:00Friday, November 30, 2018|Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers, Testing Strategies|

Thanksgiving is over, and the end of the semester looms. You want to be able to buckle down and finish strong as you prepare for final exams. Thus far, your pattern of learning has included learning for a few weeks, then sitting down for a test. During the semester, these tests evaluate your short-term memory. [...]

13 Nov, 2018

4 Reasons You May Regret Getting Your Child Tested for a Learning Disability

2018-11-08T09:02:14-06:00Tuesday, November 13, 2018|Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

"Mom, I just can't do it!" "I can't figure this out no matter how hard I try." "It's just too hard!" If your child is struggling in school, chances are, you've heard several of these statements--and as a parent, you want to help your student as much as possible. If your child continues to struggle, [...]

28 Sep, 2018

How Lawnmower Parents Impair Student Academics

2018-09-28T10:39:08-05:00Friday, September 28, 2018|Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

You've heard of the "helicopter parents." These are the ones who hover over their little bundle of joy long past the age when they need that level of supervision. Helicopter parents are often ridiculed for being overprotective and too cautious, not giving their children space to grow and find their own footing in a complex [...]

6 Aug, 2018

One Success Story at a Time: The Power of One-on-One

2018-08-06T08:56:21-05:00Monday, August 6, 2018|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

The tool you use to measure is going to determine what kind of results you get. If all you have a is a thermometer, you're going to measure the temperature. If all you have is a ruler, you're going to measure the length. Sometimes, the limitations of our measurements can cause us to miss out [...]

18 Jun, 2018

Customized Instruction: A Recipe for Success

2018-06-18T09:56:26-05:00Monday, June 18, 2018|Customized Curriculum, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Customized Instruction The right education will prove to be a valuable asset to every child who receives one. However, many children pass through school to graduation without actually learning what they are supposed to learn. The scandal that occurred in the Atlanta school district where several educators manipulated student scores so that the students would be eligible [...]

15 Jun, 2018

4 Ways Small Private Schools Better Prepare Students for College

2018-06-15T16:28:10-05:00Friday, June 15, 2018|Education Info, Private School|

With summer upon us, many students will be making the transition from junior high to high school. Not only is this a milestone in a student's educational career, but it also provides parents with another opportunity to consider the future of their child's education and whether it may be time to transfer them to a [...]

30 May, 2018

A Lifetime of Learning: How a Small School Helped One Child

2018-05-30T11:44:04-05:00Wednesday, May 30, 2018|Learning Environment, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

Follow along as we look at the education of one girl named Amanda: Amanda was the youngest in her family, and her parents, though not wealthy, chose to send all five of their children to a small, private school. By the time Amanda reached the classrooms of her school, her siblings had already won a [...]

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