
Personalized Learning

23 Aug, 2024

6 Strategies to Help Students Who Struggle with Writing

2024-08-27T08:22:00-05:00Friday, August 23, 2024|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Teachers mention over and over again how this generation of students struggle with writing. While it's a frustrating challenge, in many cases, it's not their fault. These students have grown up in an age where long-form communication is rarely required. Most students value short communications--snaps, texts, and memes, for example--over longer-form discourse--and may not [...]

18 Oct, 2022

Five Ways Tutoring Promotes Academic Success

2022-11-07T10:19:37-06:00Tuesday, October 18, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info|

Academic tutoring for students often connects to failure in the minds of many parents and even teachers. "This student is dropping behind, so they need tutoring." "Your child failed the class, have you considered getting a summer tutor?" At The Tenney School, however, we believe that comments like these undermine the true value of [...]

22 Jun, 2022

3 Scientifically Proven Developmental Benefits of One-on-One Instruction

2022-06-22T08:01:24-05:00Wednesday, June 22, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info, Learning Environment|

Most parents want what's best for their children, and many go above and beyond to provide them with opportunities to excel. One such opportunity is one-on-one instruction, which has been shown to have developmental benefits. In this blog post, we'll explore the scientific evidence for the benefits of one-on-one instruction. The American Psychological Association The [...]

28 Apr, 2022

How Traditional Curriculum Can Destroy Student Interest and Motivation

2022-05-03T09:15:56-05:00Thursday, April 28, 2022|Learning Strategies, Customized Curriculum, Education Info|

Teachers know that to make learning more interesting, they must make it relevant. As much as students complain about the traditional approach to education, a typical curriculum relies on the fact that they can easily identify with the topics. However, most traditional curricula fail to connect with students regarding personal interests and hobbies. It, indeed, [...]

24 Aug, 2021

Help Your Children Take Ownership of Their Education

2021-08-23T07:48:13-05:00Tuesday, August 24, 2021|Learning Strategies, Education Info|

When children become independent learners, they help themselves navigate through their studies. Thus, they teach themselves skills they will actually use later in the workforce and learn how to be an independent adult. As a parent, you may wish to cast a magic spell that gives your child the ability to learn independently. It makes [...]

7 Jan, 2021

TenneyTube Episode 1: Student Procrastination

2021-01-07T15:56:51-06:00Thursday, January 7, 2021|Education Info, Teachers|

TenneyTube is a series of videos about common issues for middle and high school students. Episode 1 is about student procrastination signs, types, and what to do about it. Click Here for the Video. This video series is derived from the most common topics with parents and our most searched website content. The series will [...]

7 Oct, 2020

Personalized Learning: How a Custom Education Can Benefit Your Child

2020-10-07T17:26:06-05:00Wednesday, October 7, 2020|Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Private School, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Everything around us is customizable and we love it. This is the era of customization and due to our technology and the variety of options. We can customize everything from the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the television shows and books that pop up on our recommended list, and the podcasts we listen [...]

17 Jun, 2020

Cause and Effect of Student Procrastination: Can Intimate Teaching Help

2022-10-13T14:37:47-05:00Wednesday, June 17, 2020|Learning Strategies, Education Info, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Around 20% of adults are chronic procrastinators. Among students, procrastination can be serious because not keeping up with the flow of student work means that you fall behind. According to some experts, students most often procrastinate because they don’t see the relevance of the future project to things that are immediately relevant to them. Children often [...]

10 Mar, 2020

Using Art to Generate Flow States and Enhance Learning

2020-05-29T15:39:12-05:00Tuesday, March 10, 2020|Learning Strategies, Education Info, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Many of us learn some kind of art when we're in school. This might be a visual art such as painting or photography or it could be learning an auditory art such as music or a tactile one such as pottery. We've all had that experience of getting so caught up in an activity that [...]

25 Nov, 2019

Why Parents Choose Personalized Learning Programs for Their Children

2019-11-27T15:57:54-06:00Monday, November 25, 2019|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

As a parent, you try to make the best possible decisions for your children to help them grow and succeed. Just as you encourage your child to stay physically fit and eat healthily so their bodies will grow strong, you also want to make choices that will help their minds grow strong. Choosing the right [...]

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