student health

9 Aug, 2021

5 Tips for Getting Your Child Ready for Middle School

2021-08-09T07:44:00-05:00Monday, August 9, 2021|Learning Environment|

The transition from elementary to middle school can be incredibly overwhelming for your child. It can invoke a wealth of emotions, from anxiety over meeting new teachers and students to excitement over purchasing new clothing and supplies. Additionally, they have to deal with increased homework, the responsibility to navigate from one class to the next [...]

28 Jun, 2021

Could Helicopter Parenting Lead to Adult Child Estrangement

2021-06-28T16:02:53-05:00Monday, June 28, 2021|Parents|

All parents have different parenting styles. Some are controversial, and some parenting styles could end up hurting children more than helping them. Helicopter parenting is one such parenting style that has the potential to end up doing more harm than good. What Is Helicopter Parenting? All parents are probably guilty of helicopter parenting at one [...]

9 Apr, 2021

The High-Risk Status of High-Achieving Students

2021-04-09T17:09:54-05:00Friday, April 9, 2021|Education Info, Learning Environment, Private School|

Aiming high is a priority for many families that want to secure a future for their children, and some try to get their foot in the door in high-ranking schools as early as possible. Such schools are difficult to get into and even more difficult to pass. So not all are going to get in [...]

5 Apr, 2021

Will Students and Teachers Be Wearing Masks in Fall 2021?

2021-04-05T08:05:35-05:00Monday, April 5, 2021|Student Health, Education Info, Teachers|

Now that there is a coronavirus vaccine, people are becoming cautiously optimistic about their lives going forward. Most of us have been working from home, and kids have been learning remotely throughout the pandemic. With an available vaccine, it's possible that kids will return to school in fall 2021. But will they still have to [...]

23 Mar, 2021

Dispelling 5 Myths About the Twice-Exceptional Student

2021-03-23T07:10:49-05:00Tuesday, March 23, 2021|Student Health, Education Info|

What makes gifted students exceptional? It's not always a higher intelligence or faster problem-solving. Often, children in gifted learning programs are there because they think differently. Some can see three-dimensional shapes unfold in their minds, so they excel at geometry. Alternatively, they have an unusual approach to words which becomes a talent for writing. "Gifted" [...]

25 Jan, 2021

How Can the Flexibility of One-on-One Tutoring Help a Child Grow?

2021-01-26T07:24:26-06:00Monday, January 25, 2021|Learning Strategies, Education Info, Student Health|

If you've ever had one-on-one tutoring, then you know that the results can be dramatically different from studying in a class. It's not that the conventional method of teaching is inefficient, but the teacher's attention is divided. No matter how good a teacher is, it's just not humanly possible for them to give everyone individual [...]

23 Jan, 2021

The Effect High School Cheating Has on Kids

2021-01-23T09:32:49-06:00Saturday, January 23, 2021|Student Health, Education Info, Learning Strategies|

Cheating is omnipresent in schools across the globe. The pressure of being successful in school is leading a lot of students down this cheating path. Students see it as a way to get through their classes without considering the long term effects it can have. Cheating is extremely detrimental to students and prevents teachers from [...]

8 Jan, 2021

How One-on-One Teachers Help Children With ADD or ADHD to Enjoy Learning

2021-01-08T16:03:47-06:00Friday, January 8, 2021|Learning Strategies, Education Info, Student Health|

For children with the common ADD or ADHD diagnosis, school is a gauntlet of challenges. Even the most earnest and well-behaved ADHD child struggles to hold still through an entire lesson. Children with ADD are often social and love their school friends, but are often told that their natural energy is a classroom distraction. As [...]

24 Aug, 2020

Five Facts That Make Eleventh Grade Extremely Significant

2020-08-24T09:53:33-05:00Monday, August 24, 2020|Education Info, Private School, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Is there a specific year in a student's education that seems like a throwaway year? Or is there one grade that seems more important than the others? This has been a topic of discussion for educators, parents, and students alike. And we at The Tenney School have identified a trend. Sadly, many students and their parents view [...]

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