Understanding the Differences Between Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement Courses
Before your high school student chooses which classes to take, it's important to understand the differences between Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment classes. Although each course is designed to be rigorous and college-level, there are [...]
6 Strategies to Re-Engage Students Post-Break
Holiday breaks are inevitable throughout the school calendar. Whether it is a summer vacation, Thanksgiving, or winter break, students will take a break from learning for a specific time. These holiday breaks are necessary [...]
How to Make Your College Plans
College can be intimidating. The idea of leaving high school and possibly living on your own, away from your parents, for the first time, can be scary. This can be complicated by the multiple [...]
5 Effective Strategies to Ease Homework Stress
High school students spend an average of 4-5 hours per week on homework. Students in higher-level classes often deal with greater homework loads. Even in elementary and middle school, students may find themselves dealing with nightly [...]
5 Signs It’s Time for Your Child to Switch Schools
Your child deserves to feel confident and happy at school. So, if your child is expressing a disinterest in school, or a sense of sadness because of school, it might be time to consider [...]
One-on-One Instruction to Eliminate Boredom and Keep Your Child Engaged
Why is school boring? If you think about it, this is a common complaint. A lot of kids think that school is boring. That's why you hear about students skipping school. Or if they're [...]
Why Do Teachers and Parents Get Frustrated With Students?
Students that are not performing at the level their teachers know they are capable of can be a source of frustration for both teachers and parents. The Tenney School's one-to-one learning model offers natural [...]
Five Ways to Help Your Shy Child Thrive (Without Forcing Them to Change)
Have you ever heard a conversation go like this about your shy child: "Your kid is so quiet! She barely says a word." "Yeah, she's our introverted one. We're working on that. Come on, [...]