Monthly Archives: February 2020

18 Feb, 2020

How To Address The Difficulties International Students Face In School

2020-02-18T07:20:21-06:00Tuesday, February 18, 2020|International students, Education Info, Tenney Subscribers|

It takes courage to leave one's home country and move to a new place and a new culture. This is especially true for young students. Finding a new school can be difficult, and often poses a daunting task for international students and their families. Thankfully, we at the Tenney School understand some of the difficulties [...]

10 Feb, 2020

What Is Dysgraphia And What Parents Need To Know

2020-02-07T18:14:24-06:00Monday, February 10, 2020|Learning Strategies, Parents, Student Health, Tenney Subscribers|

Dyslexia and dysgraphia began as classic neurological syndromes identified in the 1890s by Joseph Jules Dejerine, a French neurologist. From the standpoint of classical neurology, these conditions were seen as a profound inability to communicate, dyslexia referring to speech and dysgraphia referring to writing. Looking at the diagnosis from a medical standpoint from the perspective [...]

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