

10 Jun, 2019

Getting Ready for 6th Grade: Give Your Child What They Need for this Important Transitional Time

2019-06-10T14:15:15-05:00Monday, June 10, 2019|Education Info, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers, Transition Between Schools|

Most of us remember, and a few of us still have nightmares about our transition from elementary school to 6th grade. But, the graduation from 5th grade also calls for a celebration. The increased responsibility for one's education comes at a time when many other changes, both physical and emotional, take place to set up [...]

17 May, 2019

Engineering Presentation: Mechanical Hand

2019-05-17T08:40:12-05:00Friday, May 17, 2019|Education Info, Events, Parents|

At our Spring Award Ceremony we were excited to see a project presentation from our Engineering Class. During the spring semester, our Engineering class students worked on designing and building a mechanical hand.  During the presentation they shared how the hand was all designed on modeling software during class.  The final design was printed on [...]

11 May, 2019

Gifted and Talented: The Importance of Challenging Gifted Children

2019-05-11T08:53:11-05:00Saturday, May 11, 2019|Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

As parents, we all think our children are unique. We may ooh, and awe at the mermaid picture Suzie has drawn or praise Billy repeatedly for his perfect score on his spelling test. Indeed, all children are individuals, and in their own way special, but in reality, only about 10% of the United States children [...]

4 May, 2019

Middle School Skills: The Foundation for High School Success

2019-05-04T07:35:22-05:00Saturday, May 4, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents, Tenney Subscribers, Transition Between Schools|

For many parents, high school gets more focus than any other element of their child's schooling. High school becomes part of a student's permanent academic record. Poor grades or other problems in high school can prevent students from getting the scholarships they need, or even prevent them from getting into the college they most want [...]

1 May, 2019

Senior Spotlight: Tobey Decides on OK State

2019-05-01T15:36:22-05:00Wednesday, May 1, 2019|Education Info, Events, Parents|

In our latest Senior Spotlight for our Tenney School Class of 2019, we hear a little about Tobey's journey.  In this interview, our College Counselor, Lisa Cashiola interviews Tobey.  Tobey tells a little about her journey though high school, her decision to attend Oklahoma State University, and shares some tips for younger students. Click this [...]

29 Apr, 2019

Tenney School Students Excel at Summer Reading: Beating the “Summer Slide”

2019-04-29T14:44:49-05:00Monday, April 29, 2019|Education Info, Parents, Summer Strategies, Tenney Subscribers|

As summer vacation is upon us, it's a good idea to keep in mind the dangers of the "summer slide." Summer vacation should be packed with fun and adventure, but also needs to reflect the educational priorities you have in place for your child. Summer Learning Loss We've discussed at length the effects of summer [...]

23 Apr, 2019

International Students Excel in our One-to-One Learning Environment

2019-04-23T17:56:45-05:00Tuesday, April 23, 2019|International students, Learning Environment, Parents, Private School, Tenney Subscribers|

The United States is a prominent choice for international students seeking a quality education. However, what is it that draws international students to The Tenney School? Aside from Houston, TX being a compelling and welcoming city, the area itself is not what calls to international students to complete their studying here. It is our unique [...]

8 Apr, 2019

Trust Your Kids: The Harm of Too Much Parent Intervention

2019-04-08T16:05:49-05:00Monday, April 8, 2019|News, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

By now, you've surely seen the headlines about the "Varsity Blues" scandal. The world is reacting with equal parts shock, anger, and mockery to the list of highly-connected (and sometimes famous) parents who lied, cheated, and scammed to get their children into competitive college programs. Once we move past the legal and moral issues of [...]

1 Apr, 2019

Former Student, Current Author: Congratulations Moyin!

2019-04-01T13:51:27-05:00Monday, April 1, 2019|Education Info, Parents, Tenney Subscribers|

The Tenney School is so excited to announce our former student Moyin Oyebanji is now a published author.  Moyin recently completed her book, Musings in a Moment. As some of our teachers have already done, you can purchase her book on Amazon.  Some of Moyi's Tenney teachers were not surprised, as they recalled the passion for [...]

1 Apr, 2019

Summer Learning Loss And How to Lessen it

2019-04-01T13:35:12-05:00Monday, April 1, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents, Summer Strategies|

As Americans, we often take for granted that the 9-month long school year is simply a thing of fact. We enjoy our leisurely summers, planning long vacations to the beach, overdue family reunions, and long days of fun in the sun. Teachers use this time to recharge, rest and begin their planning for the fall [...]

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