

27 Mar, 2020

Why Online Learning Works (Especially at the Tenney School)

2020-06-02T14:45:54-05:00Friday, March 27, 2020|Learning Strategies, Parents, Private School, Summer Strategies, Teachers|

The transition from classroom learning to online learning can be a difficult one. Sometimes both students and teachers are facing a lot of uncertainty. They are unsure how this new method of doing things will work. However, at The Tenney School, we have found that online learning is both possible and beneficial! We are able [...]

13 Mar, 2020

How Much Is Student Anxiety on the Rise?

2020-05-29T15:47:20-05:00Friday, March 13, 2020|Parents, Private School, Student Health, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

In some cultures where educational advancement ties to big examinations, student anxiety is very high, more often leading to suicide and other dramatic emotional outcomes. The situation is serious among students in the United States as well. "The Mental Health Tsunami" An article from the National Educational Association (NEA) quotes a kindergarten teacher as finding [...]

10 Mar, 2020

Using Art to Generate Flow States and Enhance Learning

2020-05-29T15:39:12-05:00Tuesday, March 10, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Many of us learn some kind of art when we're in school. This might be a visual art such as painting or photography or it could be learning an auditory art such as music or a tactile one such as pottery. We've all had that experience of getting so caught up in an activity that [...]

2 Mar, 2020

Build Confidence in Your Middle School Students

2020-05-29T15:33:40-05:00Monday, March 2, 2020|Learning Environment, Student Health, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Middle school is a difficult period of growth and change for students. Not only are they experiencing changes in their body, but expectations in school are also changing. Students have recently grown out of their elementary school routines and are experiencing more responsibility. With more difficult content, kids may begin to struggle with their academic [...]

3 Jan, 2020

5 Ways Teachers Can Build Confidence In Middle School Students

2020-01-08T13:51:36-06:00Friday, January 3, 2020|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Confidence In Middle School Middle school students are often underestimated by both parents and teachers. It is a time of life that can be overlooked, overshadowed by the formative years in elementary school and the determining years of high school. But we at The Tenney School know that this time of life is extremely important [...]

2 Dec, 2019

Why Some Kids Give Up and Others Stick With It

2019-12-01T10:08:17-06:00Monday, December 2, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

There is nothing more defeating for parents and teachers than the moment when a child just gives up. If the child would just keep trying, parents and teachers alike are willing to go above and beyond to help that child succeed, often more than anyone believed possible. When a student gives up, on the other [...]

23 Sep, 2019

The Importance of Developing Study Skills in Middle School

2019-09-23T10:11:41-05:00Monday, September 23, 2019|Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

During the middle school years, your child may feel able to coast by without developing good study skills. After all, they understand the material; why put any more effort into it? As long as your child's grades look good, you might not worry too much about study skills, either. Unfortunately, if your child waits until [...]

19 Jun, 2019

The Key to Student Engagement: Giving Students a Choice

2019-06-21T13:06:12-05:00Wednesday, June 19, 2019|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Every teacher has experienced the sinking feeling of looking around a classroom and realizing that the students are so bored that they are hardly listening. Indeed, student engagement is a difficult thing to accomplish. Some of the responsibility rests on the students themselves. But here at The Tenney School, we wonder if much of the [...]

8 Mar, 2019

What the Traditional Classroom Gets Wrong and How to Address It

2019-03-08T08:27:08-06:00Friday, March 8, 2019|Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Parents, Teachers, Tenney Subscribers|

Education is a cornerstone of our society, and for as long as people have been living and working together, there has been some form of education to help them learn and grow. Over time, the needs of society change and our understanding of how people learn best advances. When this happens, we have to adjust [...]

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