
Summer School

12 Apr, 2024

Should You Consider Summer School for Your Child?

2024-04-09T12:02:53-05:00Friday, April 12, 2024|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Summer Strategies|

Parents choose to send their children to summer school in order to combat the summer learning loss phenomenon. By the middle school years, students may lose 36% of their reading gains and 50% of math-related gains made during the year over the summer months, when they are out of school and not engaging in [...]

2 Jun, 2022

Five Reasons You Should Consider Summer School

2022-06-02T07:14:23-05:00Thursday, June 2, 2022|Education Info, Learning Strategies, Private School, Summer Strategies|

Unfortunately, summer school has a negative connotation when it comes to attendance. After all, most people attended in the past if they failed their classes, so they didn't have to retake a school year. However, this school no longer carries the shame it did in the past. Here are five reasons why you don't need [...]

7 Apr, 2022

There’s No Shame in Summer School Anymore as Students Embrace Self-Directed Learning

2022-04-07T07:01:03-05:00Thursday, April 7, 2022|Education Info, Summer Strategies|

Most people who are adults today associate the idea of summer school with remedial classes. It usually means someone has failed a class - or missed so much time that they have to make up several classes over the summer. It's the theme of several teen movies and summer school is always cast in a negative [...]

2 Jun, 2020

3 Reasons for Summer School in 2020

2020-06-02T10:28:38-05:00Tuesday, June 2, 2020|Education Info, Summer Strategies, Tenney Subscribers|

We live in a different world today than we did just a few months ago.  The patterns and decisions of our lives has changed so dramatically, things we once thought were highly unlikely and unnecessary are now normal and wise.  For many students, 2020 may be the summer to consider summer school. I wanted to [...]

29 Apr, 2020

Safe, In-Person Summer School

2020-06-04T16:02:44-05:00Wednesday, April 29, 2020|Education Info, Learning Environment, Student Health, Summer Strategies|

The summer of 2020 may be the best one ever to consider summer school for your child.  A few of the reasons summer school may be something good to consider this year: Students are behind. Distance learning at many schools at the end of the 19-20 school year was ineffective, and summer is a good [...]

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