
student health

10 Jan, 2025

Six Things That Make a School Great

2025-01-10T08:24:29-06:00Friday, January 10, 2025|Learning Environment, Education Info, Private School|

There are lots of schools across the nation that claim to be great. What does that actually mean, though? Some schools tout impressive test scores or the number of advanced placement classes they offer. Others speak of their educated staff members. Is that really what makes a school great? Here are six things that [...]

22 Nov, 2024

Handling the Impact of Today’s Crisis on Student Anxiety

2024-11-21T12:18:02-06:00Friday, November 22, 2024|Student Health, Customized Curriculum, Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Private School|

Student anxiety is a growing concern for parents across the globe. COVID-19 has sent everybody home for the foreseeable in order to control the spread of the virus. On one hand, we have never been better equipped for this kind of pandemic. Mobile devices and Wi-Fi, communication and learning platforms, cloud-shared documents, and video [...]

8 Nov, 2024

Student Stress and 7 Ways Parents Can Help to Eliminate it!

2024-11-07T09:57:02-06:00Friday, November 8, 2024|Student Health, Education Info, Learning Environment|

About 45% of teens said they had felt more stress than usual during COVID-19. This is a clear testimony of the heightened level of stress students are experiencing today. A good number of students are disengaged, some are recording declining performance while others have disappeared from school altogether. The situation has left classroom teachers [...]

7 Oct, 2024

10 Noteworthy Benefits of a Shorter School Day

2024-10-21T12:30:17-05:00Monday, October 7, 2024|Student Health, Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies|

Our individualized learning setup at the Tenney School allows us to offer more instruction in a shorter amount of time. Since students receive dedicated 1:1 teaching for all core subjects, they don't need to bother spending time on topics that aren't on their instructional level. Our general school hours run from 9 am - [...]

9 Sep, 2024

Your Child Doesn’t Want to Change Schools — Now What?

2024-09-10T08:11:16-05:00Monday, September 9, 2024|Education Info, Customized Curriculum, Learning Environment, Transition Between Schools|

For the average parent, the best thing that could ever happen to them is moving into a place with a school nearby. You've just moved, and everything seemed fine until your child refused to go. They want to retain their current school, yet it may not be practical. What do you do? How do [...]

26 Jul, 2024

Screen Time in School: When Are Students Ready for It and What Are the Downsides?

2025-01-08T10:29:37-06:00Friday, July 26, 2024|Learning Environment|

Technology has made its way into the classroom in schools across the country. Sometimes, this is for the best. But other times, it has negative consequences. At The Tenney School, we stay in touch with the current trends in education. As we know, this often means utilizing devices in the classroom. However, we found [...]

1 Mar, 2024

The Impact of High School Cheating

2024-10-22T12:50:08-05:00Friday, March 1, 2024|Student Health, Education Info, Teachers|

Cheating is an ever-present struggle in high schools all across America. Even though it is easier to detect with digital learning and artificial intelligence, it is more common than you may realize. Cheating on a test may not seem like much, but the truth is that it rarely stops there. Once a student finds him [...]

20 Feb, 2024

Grade Skipping: 5 Reasons Your Child Shouldn’t Skip a School Grade

2024-12-04T09:59:05-06:00Tuesday, February 20, 2024|Education Info, Learning Environment, Learning Strategies, Parents, Transition Between Schools|

"Is grade skipping the best option for my child?" As a parent of a smart kid, this thought might have crossed your mind. Before making a decision, it's important to weigh the pros and cons and have an in-depth discussion with your child's teacher. Consider your child's viewpoints as well. If they are anxious about [...]

26 Jan, 2024

How to Handle a Sudden Plummet in Your Student’s Grades

2024-01-25T14:36:10-06:00Friday, January 26, 2024|Student Health, Education Info, Parents, Private School|

Some parents have experienced the gut-wrenching feeling that comes with believing their child is doing well in school only to discover that they are struggling, if not failing, in one or more subject areas. This might be shocking to any parent, particularly if their child is generally an above-average student. A rapid reduction in grades [...]

26 Dec, 2023

5 Top Benefits of Schools Starting Later

2024-11-21T12:40:38-06:00Tuesday, December 26, 2023|Student Health, Education Info|

It's no secret that teenagers are not morning people. Most of them would rather sleep in than wake up early for school. Unfortunately, the vast majority of high schools start around 7:30 am, so many students are forced to wake up early when their bodies are not naturally inclined to do so. In this article, [...]

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