student health

26 Dec, 2023

5 Top Benefits of Schools Starting Later

2024-11-21T12:40:38-06:00Tuesday, December 26, 2023|Student Health, Education Info|

It's no secret that teenagers are not morning people. Most of them would rather sleep in than wake up early for school. Unfortunately, the vast majority of high schools start around 7:30 am, so many students are forced to wake up early when their bodies are not naturally inclined to do so. In this article, [...]

27 Jun, 2023

5 Effective Strategies to Ease Homework Stress

2023-06-29T09:58:57-05:00Tuesday, June 27, 2023|Student Health, Education Info|

High school students spend an average of 4-5 hours per week on homework. Students in higher-level classes often deal with greater homework loads. Even in elementary and middle school, students may find themselves dealing with nightly homework, projects, and other assignments that have to be completed outside school hours. High amounts of homework, especially if the [...]

29 Nov, 2022

8 Tips and Tricks for Maintaining a Perfect School/Life Balance

2023-01-20T09:26:24-06:00Tuesday, November 29, 2022|Student Health, Education Info|

It's no secret that the key to success in school is maintaining a healthy balance between academics and extracurriculars. But what happens when you add in a job, social life, and family obligations? It can be tough to juggle everything, but finding the perfect school/life balance that works for you is important. However, you can [...]

26 Jul, 2022

3 Key Times When Different Learning and Developmental Timelines Impact Students Most

2022-08-10T11:12:09-05:00Tuesday, July 26, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info|

As parents, we often wonder what age our children should be before they start learning certain things. We want to make sure we're not pushing them too hard, or not giving them enough opportunities to learn and grow. Developmental ages can be a tricky thing to navigate, but luckily there are some tried and true [...]

22 Jul, 2022

5 Great Tips for How to Help Your Child Choose Extracurriculars Without Overloading Their Schedule

2022-08-10T11:09:17-05:00Friday, July 22, 2022|Student Health, Education Info|

It is important that your child has the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. This allows them to figure out what they enjoy, where they excel, and what they may want to consider pursuing in college. However, it is often tricky to find the balance between too many and too few extracurriculars. Thankfully, there are certain [...]

21 Mar, 2022

How to Help Your Teen When They Struggle With Grades

2022-03-21T10:22:33-05:00Monday, March 21, 2022|Learning Strategies, Education Info|

Being a teenager is a busy and challenging time. It's at once the most exciting your student's life has ever been and often the most difficult. Combine growth spurts with social maneuvering and tough new school subjects to tackle, it's no surprise that many teenage students struggle to keep up with it all. The most [...]

12 Oct, 2021

How to Help Your Child Deal With the Pain of Rejection

2021-10-12T07:56:30-05:00Tuesday, October 12, 2021|Student Health, Education Info, Parents|

Rising above rejection isn't easy at any age. However, for kids, it can be especially difficult. Whether or not we're well-received by others plays a significant role in determining how we perceive ourselves. Although learning how to overcome rejection is an essential part of growing up, certain forms of rejection can be both unhealthy and [...]

25 Sep, 2021

Five Ways to Help Students Overcome Test Anxiety

2021-09-25T08:05:39-05:00Saturday, September 25, 2021|Testing Strategies, Education Info, Learning Environment|

Students face immense pressure when it comes to taking exams, making test anxiety a very real battle. Sadly, much of this pressure comes from adults like teachers and parents who want to see their students get college invitations, scholarships, and high-paying jobs. Here at The Tenney School, however, we believe it is time to change this [...]

23 Aug, 2021

Can Video Games Boost Your Child’s Potential

2022-10-08T16:11:23-05:00Monday, August 23, 2021|Student Health, Education Info, Learning Strategies|

There's a lot of talk about how video games distract students from their work. Some people go as far as to say that teenagers should be kept away from gaming or have it strictly limited. What we don't talk about is the positive aspects of video games. In moderation, video gaming can, in fact, be good for [...]

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